Evelyn Waugh’s “Brideshead Revisited”

https://www.pslra.org/v8mrhob By the time Evelyn Waugh published Brideshead Revisited in 1946, he had already published  string of novels that established him as the foremost of British satirists writing between the wars. In particular, his Decline and Fall (1928), A Handful of Dust (1934), and Scoop (1938) were considered minor classics in this genre. But what was to come to be considered his greatest novel, Brideshead contained little in… Continue reading here Evelyn Waugh’s “Brideshead Revisited”

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Sarah Waters’ “The Little Stranger”


https://www.mssbizsolutions.com/yhq6dc1fxd Sarah Waters is an author far better known in the U.K. than in the U.S. A Welsh author whose historical novels are often set in the Victorian period and involve lesbian protagonists, her books have thrice been shortlisted for the Booker Prize, and in 2019 she was named Officer of the Order of the British… Continue reading click Sarah Waters’ “The Little Stranger”


Robert Penn Warren’s “All the King’s Men”

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Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple”

https://www.amyglaze.com/w3ht6v8j There are a number of strong voices that don’t want you—or me—to read Alice Walker’s best-known novel, The Color Purple. The American Library Association lists it among the 100 most often banned or challenged books in the U.S. in the decade 1990-99 (17th), 2000-09 (17th), and 2010-19 (50th), and shows it cracking the top ten in… Continue reading see url Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple”


Kurt Vonnegut’s “Slaughterhouse-Five”

https://www.saiidzeidan.com/ssmmiho96 On the title page of Kurt Vonnegut’s modern classic Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children’s Crusade, Vonnegut remarks that the novel is “somewhat in the telegraphic schizophrenic manner of tales of the planet Tralfamadore.” This means nothing to you as you read the title page, but as you get into the book and it strikes you how there… Continue reading go Kurt Vonnegut’s “Slaughterhouse-Five”

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John Updike’s “Rabbit Run”

go here “[L]ooking around me at American society in 1959,” John Updike once said in an interview, he could observe “a number of scared and dodgy men….This kind of man who won’t hold still, who won’t make a commitment, who won’t quite pull his load in society, became ‘Harry Angstrom.’ I imagined him as a former basketball… Continue reading Buy Valium Diazepam 10Mg John Updike’s “Rabbit Run”


Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”

Buy Cheap Valium Online No less an author than T.S. Eliot, writing his introduction to an edition of Huckleberry Finn in 1950, said The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the only one of Mark Twain’s various books which can be called a masterpiece. I do not suggest that it is his only book of permanent interest; but it is the only one… Continue reading https://www.boasdeibiza.com/boat/order-generic-valium-online.php Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”


Anthony Trollope’s “The Way We Live Now”

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John Kennedy Toole’s “A Confederacy of Dunces”

https://www.prestoavenuedesigns.com/save/valium-canada-online.php Everybody knows the story—one might say the “legend”—of John Kennedy Toole and his magnum opus, A Confederacy of Dunces: How the young writer, despondent over the manuscript’s rejection by many publishers, took his own life by asphyxiation in his car in 1969 at the age of 31; how his mother Thelma found a carbon copy of… Continue reading John Kennedy Toole’s “A Confederacy of Dunces”

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J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”

Purchase Tramadol Discount Tolkien, whose day job was as a professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford University, dabbled in world-creation in his spare time from as early as 1917—beginning with his creation of two different elvish languages, Quenta and Sindarin, and the alphabets that go with them. He invented Middle Earth and made up the stories first in order… Continue reading J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”

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