Tramadol Ordering Online You would think that a novel about political corruption by a populist politician who gets elected on the strength of wild promises but uses his office mainly for personal profit would be obsolete by now, nearly 80 years after its publication, because of course voters will have learned by now to recognize lies when they… Continue reading Robert Penn Warren’s “All the King’s Men” source Jay Ruud
Dudley Randall’s “Booker T. and W.E.B.”
Ilya Kaminsky’s “Letters”
Maggie Smith’s “Good Bones”
Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple”
click here There are a number of strong voices that don’t want you—or me—to read Alice Walker’s best-known novel, The Color Purple. The American Library Association lists it among the 100 most often banned or challenged books in the U.S. in the decade 1990-99 (17th), 2000-09 (17th), and 2010-19 (50th), and shows it cracking the top ten in… Continue reading Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple”