Tramadol Cheap Uk No. 6: Café Neph(r)esh 810 Fourth Avenue (501) 358-6694 4.0 percent of Conway restaurants reviewed The Situation She Said: Since we started our restaurant-review project, several people have told us to review this new place in Conway, which opened April 1. I thought it was just a lunch place, but it’s open from 10… Continue reading Cafe Neph(r)esh Jay Ruud
Maggie’s Plan Maggie’s Plan Rebecca Miller (2016) [av_image src=’×180.jpg’ attachment=’77’ attachment_size=’square’ align=’left’ animation=’left-to-right’ link=” target=” styling=” caption=’yes’ font_size=” appearance=’on-hover’] Most romantic comedies follow a pretty simple pattern: Boy meets girl, and usually in an awkward way. They tend to have contrasting personalities, conforming to the popular but completely unsupported notion that “opposites attract.” Boy’s and girl’s friends… Continue reading Maggie’s Plan Fridays TGI Fridays No. 5: 3.3 percent of Conway restaurants reviewed 1105 East Oak Street (501) 329-8300 The Situation He Said: In addition to the fast-food places like McDonald’s, Conway is home to a number of slightly more upscale chains that feature “casual dining.” TGI Fridays bills itself as a chain featuring “traditional American,” so it… Continue reading TGI Fridays
Coupon Code For Tramadol OnlineShakespeare’s Sonnet 130: “My Mistress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun”
Love & Friendship [av_image src=’×180.jpg’ attachment=’76’ attachment_size=’square’ align=’left’ animation=’left-to-right’ link=” target=” styling=” caption=’yes’ font_size=” appearance=’on-hover’] Ruud Rating LOVE & FRIENDSHIP 4 Shakespeares [/av_image] Lady Susan is a very early epistolary novel by the 18-year-old Jane Austen, one that she never submitted for publication in her lifetime. It was finally published in 1870, but has never been more than… Continue reading Love & Friendship Mean Bean Cafe The Mean Bean Cafe No. 4: 2.7 percent of Conway restaurants reviewed based on current list 2501 Dave Ward Dr. (Nutters Chapel Plaza) Conway, AR 72034 (501) 336-9957 The Situation She Said: It’s a common scenario in our Conwegian lives for me to pick up my husband at work at UCA and drive on… Continue reading The Mean Bean Cafe
“Sumer is icomen in” (The Cuckoo Song)
“The Nice Guys”
Tramadol Uk Buy The Nice Guys Shane Black (2016) [av_image src=’×180.jpg’ attachment=’77’ attachment_size=’square’ align=’left’ animation=’left-to-right’ link=” target=” styling=” caption=’yes’ font_size=” appearance=’on-hover’] In contrast with this week’s major holiday weekend openings of the uninspired new X-Men movie and the totally unnecessary sequel to Alice in Wonderland, both of which have underwhelmed critics and audiences alike, you might want to… Continue reading “The Nice Guys”
McDonald’s Oak Street McDonald’s Restaurant No. 3: 2.1% of Conway Restaurants Reviewed 220 E. Oak Street 501-327-2117 The Situation He Said: We vowed to eat at every restaurant in Conway, and that does include fast-food places. Lots and lots of fast-food places. My most vivid memory of McDonald’s is taking my daughter there in Wisconsin Dells when… Continue reading McDonald’s Oak Street