The Accountant Gavin O’Connor (2016) [av_image src=’’ attachment=313′ attachment_size=’square’ align=’left’ animation=’left-to-right’ link=” target=” styling=” caption=’yes’ font_size=” appearance=’on-hover’] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] In The Accountant, Ben Affleck plays a kind of cross between Batman and Rainman—a high-functioning autistic mathematical savant who also happens to be a martial arts expert and world-class sniper. If this seems… Continue reading The Accountant
hereCategory: Review
The Girl on the Train
Ordering Tramadol Online Cod [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] The Girl on the Train Tate Taylor (2016) [/av_textblock] [av_image src=’’ attachment=313′ attachment_size=’square’ align=’left’ animation=’left-to-right’ link=” target=” styling=” caption=’yes’ font_size=” appearance=’on-hover’] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] If you’ve read the best-selling mystery-thriller on which Tate Taylor’s new film is based, I’m not sure whether you’ll be happy with the adaptation: I… Continue reading The Girl on the Train
Deepwater Horizon
source Deepwater Horizon Peter Berg (2016) [av_image src=’×180.jpg’ attachment=’77’ attachment_size=’square’ align=’left’ animation=’left-to-right’ link=” target=” styling=” caption=’yes’ font_size=” appearance=’on-hover’] Unless you’re maybe six years old, everybody remembers the accident on board the oil rig “Deepwater Horizon” off the Louisiana coast on April 20, 2010, which resulted in 4.9 billion (yes, that’s billion with a b) gallons of… Continue reading Deepwater Horizon
The Magnificent Seven
click The Magnificent Seven Antoine Fuqua (2016) [av_image src=’×180.jpg’ attachment=’77’ attachment_size=’square’ align=’left’ animation=’left-to-right’ link=” target=” styling=” caption=’yes’ font_size=” appearance=’on-hover’] In 1954, classic Japanese director Akira Kurosawa brought out his masterpiece, Seven Samurai. That film, set in 16th century Japan, is the story of seven masterless samurai (or ronin) who are hired by a poor farming village… Continue reading The Magnificent Seven
Sully Sully Clint Eastwood (2016) [av_image src=’×180.jpg’ attachment=’77’ attachment_size=’square’ align=’left’ animation=’left-to-right’ link=” target=” styling=” caption=’yes’ font_size=” appearance=’on-hover’] Ernest Hemingway famously defined courage as “grace under pressure,” and Captain Chesley Sullenberger, protagonist of Clint Eastwood’s new film Sully, is the exemplum of that definition. Eastwood, like Hemingway himself, has spent a career examining the notion of the… Continue reading Sully
Kubo and the Two Strings [av_image src=’×180.jpg’ attachment=’76’ attachment_size=’square’ align=’left’ animation=’left-to-right’ link=” target=” styling=” caption=’yes’ font_size=” appearance=’on-hover’] Ruud Rating Kubo and the Two Strings 4 Shakespeares [/av_image] Travis Knight (2016) In a summer of forgettable releases and a lot of same-old, same-old repackaged “entertainment,” along comes a truly imaginative, visually rich fantasy that I’m fairly certain is the best… Continue reading Kubo and the Two Strings
Bad Moms Bad Moms Jon Lucas and Scott Moore (2016) [av_image src=’×180.jpg’ attachment=’77’ attachment_size=’square’ align=’left’ animation=’left-to-right’ link=” target=” styling=” caption=’yes’ font_size=” appearance=’on-hover’] If you can have Bad Grandpa, Bad Teacher, or even Bad Santa, why can’t you have Bad Moms as well? I’ll tell you why. Because there are large segments of our society that still hold… Continue reading Bad Moms
Florence Foster Jenkins Florence Foster Jenkins Stephen Frears (2016) [av_image src=’×180.jpg’ attachment=’77’ attachment_size=’square’ align=’left’ animation=’left-to-right’ link=” target=” styling=” caption=’yes’ font_size=” appearance=’on-hover’] Meryl Streep’s annual entry into the Oscar sweepstakes is perhaps the quirkiest comedy/drama of the summer, the story of a rich New York heiress who is a big supporter of the arts but who wants to be… Continue reading Florence Foster Jenkins
Hell or High Water [av_image src=’×180.jpg’ attachment=’76’ attachment_size=’square’ align=’left’ animation=’left-to-right’ link=” target=” styling=” caption=’yes’ font_size=” appearance=’on-hover’] Ruud Rating Hell or High Water 4 Shakespeares [/av_image] David Mackenzie (2016) Apparently Taylor Sheridan’s script for Hell or High Water kicked around Hollywood for years before anybody had the sense to pick it up. This raises the question of why somebody would… Continue reading Hell or High Water
Anthropoid Anthropoid Sean Ellis (2016) [av_image src=’×180.jpg’ attachment=’77’ attachment_size=’square’ align=’left’ animation=’left-to-right’ link=” target=” styling=” caption=’yes’ font_size=” appearance=’on-hover’] Reinhard Heydrich was one of the worst excuses for a human being ever to soil the long chronicle of European history. If you haven’t heard of him before, you probably should have, if only to provide you with a… Continue reading Anthropoid