source url We were in the Twin Cities for a few days, and this coincided with my just having reread The Great Gatsby, so I was inspired to check out the area in St. Paul where F. Scott Fitzgerald spent a good portion of his youth. And while I was at it, I was inspired to see something of… Continue reading Twin Cities Gems Travel
“They Wouldn’t Be the Cubs if They Didn’t Break Your Heart”: Faith and Futility on Chicago’s North Side
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watchAstonished in Estonia Estonia is the smallest of the Baltic countries, and its population of about 1.3 million people makes it one of the least populous of all the countries in the European Union. The capital city of Tallinn has a population of about 450,000, about the size of the greater Des Moines area. Small population or no,… Continue reading Astonished in Estonia
Tramadol Buy Online UsaBeautiful Riga Riga is the capital of the Baltic nation of Latvia. With a population of 625,000, it is the size of Memphis. But it’s a special place unlike any you’ve ever been before. In the first place, the city boasts some 800 buildings in the Art Nouveau (or as the Germans called it, Jugendstil) style of… Continue reading Beautiful Riga
Tramadol Legal To Buy OnlineVilnius, Lithuania If you envisage heading for Europe any time soon in a wildly optimistic post-Covid (Ha!) gesture, you may be thinking of London or Paris or Florence. Maybe Oslo, Lisbon, Amsterdam. Vilnius may not pop up in your daydreams. But let me encourage you to think outside the well-worn box. Lithuania is an EU country (using… Continue reading Vilnius, Lithuania Search of Sylvia
source url by Stacey Margaret Jones Come for the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth and stay for the greatest American poet of the 20th century. That was my guiding principle on our June trip to the United Kingdom, where we arrived to see the Trooping of the Colour (and get great photos of the Cambridge kids as… Continue reading In Search of Sylvia
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Can You Get Tramadol OnlineNottingham, Sherwood, and the Legend of Robin Hood If you grew up reading and/or watching tales of the great medieval outlaw hero Robin Hood robbing from the rich and giving to the poor, you probably dreamt of visiting Nottingham and Sherwood Forest. I knew I did. I watched the Richard Greene The Adventures of Robin Hood TV series (1955-59) when I was quite young (“Robin Hood,… Continue reading Nottingham, Sherwood, and the Legend of Robin Hood Ado about Shakespeare’s Globe If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to get in your DeLorean or your Way-Back Machine and scoot back in time half a millennium or so to Tudor England, but aren’t sure you’d relish the lack of penicillin, unhealthy food preparation, and unsanitary waste management, you’ve got a chance right now to have… Continue reading Much Ado about Shakespeare’s Globe
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