Panda Express

Tramadol Online Fast Delivery Review No. 181: Panda Express 811 East Oak Street (501) 358-3082 82.1 percent finished reviewing Conway restaurants   The Situation He Said: If this looks a little familiar, it may be because last week we reviewed “Panda Wok.” This week it’s Panda Express.Which is in fact our third Chinese restaurant in a row. This is… Continue reading go to link Panda Express


Panda Wok

source site Review No. 180: Panda Wok 2625 Donaghey Avenue (501) 329-8889 81.5 percent finished reviewing Conway restaurants   The Situation She Said:He Said picked me up from the airport after I returned from a Las Vegas weekend with a high school friend. Even though I had eaten so much in Vegas that the city government wrote… Continue reading Panda Wok

Las Palmas Review No. 179: Las Palmas 786 Elsinger Blvd. (501) 329-5010 81.4 percent finished reviewing Conway restaurants   The Situation He Said: It must be admitted we are running low on Conway restaurants that are not part of fast-food chains, so we set about searching through our list and discovered this little gem among the fast… Continue reading watch Las Palmas

Categorized as Eat It

Rita’s Italian Ice & Frozen Custard Review No. 176: Rita’s Italian Ice & Frozen Custard 1040 S. Amity Road (501) 358-6221 80.0 percent finished reviewing Conway restaurants   The Situation She Said:We had our twin 5-year-old grandsons for the weekend, and we like to keep things moving with them, so after our church’s Oktoberfest concluded, we tooled on over to Rita’s… Continue reading Rita’s Italian Ice & Frozen Custard
Categorized as Eat It

KFC Review No. 174: KFC 2670 North Donaghey Avenue (501) 336-8440 79.0 Percent finished reviewing  Conway restaurants   The Situation She Said:We had a big-ol’ day ahead of us on Sunday, so we decided to hit the local KFC’s lunch buffet for efficiency and choice. He Said: Colonel Sanders opened the first Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant… Continue reading KFC
Categorized as Eat It

JinWei Chinese Express Review No. 172: JinWei Chinese Express 2235 Dave Ward Drive, Suite No. 106 (501) 504-2014 78.4 Percent finished reviewing  Conway restaurants   The Situation She Said: He Said wasn’t feeling well and we were in a Sunday mood, so take-out seemed like a good idea, and JinWei had been on my radar for awhile. We had… Continue reading JinWei Chinese Express
Categorized as Eat It

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Review No. 171: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts 1105 Dave Ward Drive (501) 499-9849 76.7 Percent finished reviewing  Conway restaurants   The Situation He Said: Last week “Cream-Filled Doughnut Day” appeared on the calendar, and She Said and I decided it would be a very auspicious day on which to actually go to a doughnut shop and… Continue reading Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
Categorized as Eat It